Address: 100, KD Road, Haldwani, Distt. Nainital, Haldwani, Uttarakhand 263139
Deals in: | Currency Identifiers, Fake | Batteries, Sealed Maintenance-free (SMF) | Television Cameras, Closed-Circuit | Fax Machines | Amplifiers, Audio Power | Access Control/Time Attendance Systems | Amplifiers, Public Address | Telephone Caller Identification Systems | Computer Monitors, TFT LCD | GSM Gateways | Fibre Optic Splitters | Fibre Optic Splicers | Float Chargers | Cameras, Infrared CCTV | Printers, Multifunction (MFPs) | Telephone Exchanges (PABX/EPABX) | Cable Telephone Systems | Projector Systems, Video
Profile: Manufacturer (OEM, Manufacturer, EMS, etc)
Address: C-64/4, Okhla Phase II, Near Vodafone Office, New Delhi, Delhi 110020
Deals in: | CDRs (Compact Disks, Recordable) | CD Storage Systems | Computer Keyboards | Computer Pen/Flash Drives | DVD Disks
Profile: Trade Channel Partner (Reseller, Distributor etc)
Address: #4, 1st Floor, Asha Mansion, 6th Cross, 6th Block Koramangala, LandMark: Opp. Koramangala Club, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560095
Deals in: | 3D Printers
Profile: Manufacturer (OEM, Manufacturer, EMS, etc) and Service Provider (Service Provider, System Integrator, etc)
Address: Flat No. 3, 1/6 Gandhi Colony, Regent Park, Tollygunge., Kolkata, West Bengal 700040
Deals in: | Embedded Systems | Trainers, Microcontroller | Power Supplies, DC Regulated | Voltage Stabilisers, Solid State | Inverters, Sinewave | Controllers, Electro-pneumatic | Battery Chargers, Solar | Communication Modules, RS-232/422/485 | Earth Fault Detectors | Inverters, Solar | Solar Charge Controllers, MPPT Based | Voltage Stabilisers, 3-Phase | Welding Machines, Electronic
Profile: Manufacturer (OEM, Manufacturer, EMS, etc)
Address: Behind St. Xavier's High School, "LAXMI " , Near Central Automobiles, Mirzapur Road, Ahmedabad, Gujarat 380001
Deals in: | Computers, Single Board | Display Systems, Moving Message | Erasers, EPROM | Trainers, Microprocessor | Token Number Indicators (For Banks etc) | Leading Independent Design Houses (Outsource R&D)
Profile: Service Provider (Service Provider, System Integrator, etc)
Address: 624 - Lodha Supremus II, North Tower, Road No. 22 Wagle Estate, Near New Passport Office., Thane, Maharashtra 400604
Deals in: | Gauss Meters, Digital | Control Panels | Programmers, EPROM/PROM | Flame Detectors | Transformers, Ignition
Profile: Manufacturer (OEM, Manufacturer, EMS, etc)
Address: #1874 First Floor, South and Sea Cross, Jayanagar, 9th Block., Bengaluru, Karnataka 560069
Deals in: | Memories, Semiconductor | Computer Memory Chips, RAM/DRAM/SDRAM/DDRAM
Profile: Manufacturer (OEM, Manufacturer, EMS, etc)
Address: A-11, Electronic Complex, Kushaiguda, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh 500062
Deals in: | Computer Add-on Cards | Data Acquisition & Processing Equipment | Defence Electronics Equipment | Ground Checking Systems | Microcontroller Based Equipment | PCB Designing - CAD | Testers, Cable Harness | Signal Processors, Digital (DSP) | Air Traffic Control Systems | Test Equipment, Automatic | Embedded Systems | Electronics Manufacturing Services (EMS)
Profile: Service Provider (Service Provider, System Integrator, etc)
Address: 19th Floor, Concorde Tower C, UB City, No.24, Vittal Mallya Road, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560001
Deals in: | Keyboards, Wireless | Computer Monitors, Colour | Computer Servers | Computer Keyboards | MP3 Players | Computers, Personal/Micro/Desktop | Computers, Notebook/Laptop | Audio Systems | Whos Who of IOT
Profile: Manufacturer (OEM, Manufacturer, EMS, etc)
Address: D-216, Ansa Indl Estate, Saki Vihar Road., Mumbai, Maharashtra 400072
Deals in: | Trainer Kits, VLSI Design (FPGA/CPLD) | Digitisers | Emulators, In-Circuit for PC | Logic Analysers | Computer Add-on Cards | Pattern Generators, Digital