Profile: Manufacturer (OEM, Manufacturer, EMS, etc) and Importer
Address: 69/2A, 2nd Floor, Najafgarh Road Industrial Area, Near Moti Nagar Crossing, New Delhi, Delhi 110015
Deals in: | Resistance Decade Boxes | Signal Tracers | Tachometers, Digital | Trainers, Linear IC | Trainers, Educational | Trainers, Digital IC | Trainers, Microprocessor | Trainers, Oscilloscope | Bridges, Wheatstone | Capacitance Decade Boxes | Broadcasting Equipment, Audio | Capacitance Meters & Testers | Controllers, P.I.D. | LCR Meters | Lux Meters, Digital | Moisture Meters | Multimeters | Multi-Function Digital Meters | Trainer Kits, Power Electronic | Trainer Kits, Radio (AM/MW/FM) | Trainer Kits, Tape Recorder | Trainer Kits, TV | Trainers & Designers, Transistor | Transformers, Auto/Variac | Transistor-Characteristic Units | Transistors Testers & Checkers | Testers, High Voltage | Volt-Ampere Meters | Volt-Amp-Watt Meters, Digital | Voltmeters, Analogue | Voltmeters, Digital | Wattmeters, Digital | Wattmeters, Analogue | Ammeters & Milliammeters | Ammeters, Analogue | Ammeters, Digital | Ammeters, Micro | Anemometers (Wind Speed Monitors) | Gauss Meters, Digital | Generators, Audio | Function Generators | Generators, Low Frequency | Pulse Generators | IC Testers, Digital | IC Testers, Linear | Inductance Decade Boxes | Instrumentation & Training Systems | Multimeters, Autoranging Digital | Multimeters, Digital | Multimeters, FET Input | Multimeters, Graphical | Ohmmeters & Megohmmeters | Power Supplies, High Voltage DC Regulated | Power Supplies, Klystron | Power Supplies, Linear | Power Supplies, Microprocessor | Power Supplies, Multiple Output | Power Supplies, Open Frame | Power Supplies, Variable Output | Signal Generators | Power Supplies, Digital Bench | Power Supplies, Electrophoresis | Power Supplies, Fixed Output | Power Supplies, High Voltage | Temperature Indicators/Controllers, Digital | Trainer Kits, Analog Communication | Trainer Kits, Digital Communication | Oscillators, RF | Power Supplies, AC/DC | Power Supplies, Dual Channel | Power Supplies, Switched Mode (SMPS) | Panel Meters, Digital | Clip-on Meters/Tong Testers | Earth Resistance Meters | Insulation/Earth Testers, Digital | Audiometers/Sound-Level/DB Meters | Battery Chargers | Battery Chargers, SMPS Based | Breadboards for Electronic Circuits | Bridges, LCR | Indicators, RPM | Frequency Counters/Meters, Digital | Gauss Meters | Ohmmeters, Digital Micro- | Ohmmeters, Million Meg- | Oscillators, Audio | Oscillators, Temperature Controlled | Panel Meters | Power Factor Meters | Power Meters, AF | Power Supplies, Constant Current | Power Supplies, DC Regulated | Testers, High Voltage Breakdown | Oscilloscopes | T&M OEM and T&M Suppliers
Profile: Manufacturer (OEM, Manufacturer, EMS, etc) and Trade Channel Partner (Reseller, Distributor etc)
Address: 4A, Shree Sadgurunivas Society, , 16/5/1 Hingne Khurd, Sinhgad Rd, Near Manik Baugh, Manik Baug, Anand Nagar, Pune, , Pune, Maharashtra 411051
Deals in: | Trainers, Educational | Trainers, Microcontroller | Trainers, Microprocessor | Trainers, Linear IC | Trainers, Programmable Logic (PLC) | Transducers, Temperature | Trainers, Power Electronic | Transducers, LVDT Based | Microcontroller Based Equipment | Power Supplies, Multiple Output | Embedded Systems | Trainers, Digital IC | Test & Measurement Supplier | T&M OEM and T&M Suppliers | Leading Embedded Players
Profile: Manufacturer (OEM, Manufacturer, EMS, etc)
Address: D-104, Kailash Esplande, Opp. Shreyas Talkies, L.B.S. marg, Ghatkopar (W)., Mumbai, Maharashtra 400086
Deals in: | Bridges, LCR | Trainers, Microprocessor | Trainers, Power Electronic | Trainers, Educational | Hobby Kits, Electronic | Trainers, Educational | Breadboards for Electronic Circuits | IC Testers, Digital | Trainers, Digital IC | Trainers, Linear IC | Trainers, Microcontroller | Educational Analogue Computers | Educational Digital Computers | Trainer Kits, Antenna | Trainer Kits, Analog Communication | Trainer Kits, Digital Communication | Trainer Kits, Electronic Control System | Trainer Kits, LAN/WAN | Trainer Kits, VLSI Design (FPGA/CPLD) | Trainers, DC Motors | Trainers, Signal Processing (DSP)
Profile: Manufacturer (OEM, Manufacturer, EMS, etc)
Address: Abvolt House, Plot No.C-455, MIDC Road, TTC Industrial Area,Turbhe, Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra 400705
Deals in: | Trainer Kits, Microwave | Trainers, Educational | Trainers, PC Interfacing | Trainers, Satellite Communication | Trainers, DC Motors | Trainers, Sensor and Transducer | Trainers, Microwave | Embedded Systems | Function Generators | Generators, HF & RF | Generators, VHF & UHF | IC Testers, Digital | IC Testers, Linear | Microwave Components | Microwave Equipment | Oscillators, RF | Power Supplies, AC/DC | Power Supplies, DC Regulated | Power Supplies, Fixed Output | Trainer Kits, TV | Trainers & Designers, Transistor | Trainers, Microcontroller | Trainer Kits, LAN/WAN | Trainers, Power Electronic | Educational Analogue Computers | Educational Digital Computers | Signal Generators | Hobby Kits, Electronic | Power Meters, AF | Power Supplies, Digital Bench | Power Supplies, High Voltage | Receiver Kits, AM/MW/FM Radio | Satellite Communication Systems | Power Supplies, Klystron | Power Supplies, Switched Mode (SMPS) | Trainer Kits, Analog Communication | Trainer Kits, Digital Communication | Trainer Kits, Electronic Control System | Trainer Kits, Antenna | Trainer Kits, Modem | Trainer Kits, Radio (AM/MW/FM) | Trainer Kits, Tape Recorder | Breadboards for Electronic Circuits | Breadboards, Power Project | CDs, Interactive | Frequency Counters/Meters, Digital | Pulse Generators | Power Supplies, Dual Channel | Power Supplies, Variable Output | Signal Generators, Synthesized | Signal Injectors | Trainer Kits, Laser Optic | Trainer Kits, Power Electronic | Trainer Kits, Telephone/EPABX | Trainers, Biomedical Electronics | Trainers, Digital IC | Trainers, Linear IC | Trainers, Microprocessor | Trainers, Programmable Logic (PLC) | Trainer Kits, VLSI Design (FPGA/CPLD) | Trainers, Signal Processing (DSP) | Transistor-Characteristic Units | Transistors Testers & Checkers | VSWR Meters | Trainers, Speech | Trainers, Radars | Trainers, Oscilloscope | Trainers, Solar Power | Trainers, Fibre Optic | Ammeters & Milliammeters | Ammeters, Digital | Ammeters, Analogue | Antenna Control Systems | Antennae, UHF/VHF/Microwave | Bluetooth Modules | Capacitance Decade Boxes | Control Panels | Current Sources/Injection Sets | Curve Tracers, V/I | Generators, Low Frequency | Tachogenerators | Teaching Aids | Multimeters, Digital | Generators, Audio | Pattern Generators, Television | Capacitance Meters & Testers | Anemometers (Wind Speed Monitors) | Power Supplies, Dual Tracking | Calibrators, Millivolt/Milliamps | T&M OEM and T&M Suppliers
Profile: Manufacturer (OEM, Manufacturer, EMS, etc)
Address: 1/135, Nahar & Seth Indl Estate, Pannalal Compound, L.B.S. Marg, Bhandup West, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400078
Deals in: | Breadboards, Power Project | Breadboards for Electronic Circuits | Educational Analogue Computers | Educational Digital Computers | Frequency Counters/Meters, Digital | Generators, Audio | Function Generators | Generators, HF & RF | Generators, Low Frequency | Pulse Generators | Signal Generators | Sweep Generators | Hobby Kits, Electronic | IC Testers, Digital | IC Testers, Linear | LCR Meters, Digital | Multimeters, Digital | Oscillators, Test | Power Supplies, DC Regulated | Power Supplies, Dual Tracking | Power Supplies, High Voltage | Power Supplies, Variable Output | Power Supplies, Modular | Power Supplies, Multiple Output | Power Supplies, Transistorised | Power Supplies, Constant Current | Power Supplies, Switched Mode (SMPS) | Trainers, Power Electronic | Trainers & Designers, Transistor | Receiver Kits, AM/MW/FM Radio | Strain Gauges | Strain Indicators, Digital | Trainer Kits, Analog Communication | Trainer Kits, Electronic Control System | Trainer Kits, LAN/WAN | Robots, Educational | Trainers, DC Motors | Instrumentation & Training Systems | Trainer Kits, Digital Communication | Trainers, Digital IC | Trainer Kits, Antenna | Trainers, Linear IC | Trainers, Educational | Capacitance Decade Boxes | Embedded Systems | Microwave Equipment | Microwave Components | Development Boards, DSP
Profile: Manufacturer (OEM, Manufacturer, EMS, etc)
Address: Post Box No. 1583, 2776, Kashmere Gate, New Delhi, Delhi 110006
Deals in: | Ammeters & Milliammeters | Amplifiers, Instrumentation | Trainer Kits, Antenna | Breadboards for Electronic Circuits | Breadboards, Power Project | Laser Torches | Lighting Systems, Solar | Line Frequency Monitors, Digital | Microwave Components | Multimeters | Panel Meters, Digital | Patch Cords | Phase Angle Meters, Digital | Trainers, DC Motors | Trainers, Microwave | Trainers, Sensor and Transducer | Frequency Counters/Meters | Counters, Universal | Curve Tracers, V/I | Defence Electronics Equipment | Diode Testers | Filters, Active and Passive | Filters, Band Pass | Filters, Band Stop | Filters, Crystal | Filters, RFI/EMI | Power Supplies, High Voltage DC Regulated | Power Supplies, Klystron | Power Supplies, Linear | Power Supplies, Modular | Power Supplies, Multiple Output | Power Supplies, Microprocessor | Power Supplies, Open Frame | Power Supplies, PABX | Power Supplies, Variable Output | Receiver Kits, AM/MW/FM Radio | Robotic Kits And Acessories | Solar Streetlights | Soldering-Desoldering Kits | Test Equipment, Microwave | Trainer Kits, LAN/WAN | Trainer Kits, Laser Optic | Trainer Kits, Modem | Trainer Kits, Tape Recorder | Trainer Kits, Telephone/EPABX | Trainer Kits, VLSI Design (FPGA/CPLD) | Trainers & Designers, Transistor | Trainers, Biomedical Electronics | Trainers, Digital IC | Trainers, Linear IC | Trainers, Oscilloscope | Transducers, Displacement | Transducers, Frequency | Transducers, LVDT Based | Transducers, Line Frequency | Transducers, Linear Motion | Transducers, Phase Angle/Power Factor | Transducers, Power Line | Transducers, Pressure | Transducers, Programmable | Transducers, Sonar | Transducers, Speed | Transducers, Temperature | Transducers, Ultrasonic | Tubes, Microwave | Waveform Synthesisers | Zener Diode Testers | Converters, Digital To Analogue | Converters, Frequency To Voltage | Trainers, Satellite Communication | Converters, P/I | Converters, Resistance-Current | Directional Couplers | Displacement Indicators | Distortion (Factor) & Noise Level Meters | Earth Fault Detectors | Earth Resistance Meters | Flow Meters, Magnetic | Frequency Monitors | Generators, Audio | Generators, HF & RF | Power Supplies, AC/DC | Power Supplies, Constant Current | Power Supplies, Dual Channel | Trainers, PC Interfacing | Trainers, Programmable Logic (PLC) | Trainers, Radars | Trainers, Signal Processing (DSP) | Hobby Kits, Electronic | Insulation Testers (Meggers) & Meters | LC Meters, Direct Reading | LCR Meters | Trainers, Solar Power | Trainers, Speech | Transducer Indicators, Digital | Transducers, AC Current/Voltage | Transducers, Active/Reactive Power | Alarms, Gas Leak | Educational Analogue Computers | Educational Digital Computers | Function Generators | Generators, Low Frequency | IC Testers, Digital | IC Testers, Linear | In-Circuit Testers | Logic Probes | Logic Pulsers | Trainers, Educational | Power Supplies, DC Regulated | Process Control Simulators | Trainers, Power Electronic | Frequency Counters/Meters, Digital | Signal Generators | Multimeters, Digital | Resistors, Preset/Variable | Thermistors, NTC/PTC | Load Banks, Resistive | Trainer Kits, Power Electronic | Instrumentation & Training Systems | Trainers, Microprocessor | Trainers, Microcontroller | Trainer Kits, Digital Communication | Trainer Kits, Electronic Control System | Trainer Kits, Analog Communication | Trainers, Fibre Optic | Trainer Kits, Radio (AM/MW/FM) | Trainer Kits, TV | Trainer Kits, Microwave | Test Apparatus, Superconductivity | Microwave Test Accessories | Microwave Equipment | Bridges, Wheatstone | Resistance Decade Boxes | Gas Detectors/Analysers | Test Equipment, DC Motors | Test Equipment, AC Motor | Test Equipment, Electrical Wires | T&M OEM and T&M Suppliers
Profile: Manufacturer (OEM, Manufacturer, EMS, etc)
Address: No.18-A, Electronic Complex, Pardeshipura, Indore, Madhya Pradesh 452010
Deals in: | Trainers & Designers, Transistor | Trainers, Power Electronic | Generators, Audio | Power Supplies, DC Regulated | Trainers, Linear IC | Transistor-Characteristic Units | Trainers, Digital IC
Profile: Manufacturer (OEM, Manufacturer, EMS, etc)
Address: B-4, Lotus C.H.S., Near P&MC Bank, Plot No.8, Sector 7, Airoli, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400708
Deals in: | Emulators, ROM/RAM/EPROM | Erasers, EPROM | IC Testers, Digital | IC Testers, Linear | Power Supplies, DC Regulated | Power Supplies, Dual Channel | Power Supplies, Dual Tracking | Power Supplies, Fixed Output | Programmers, EPROM/PROM | Programmers, Microcontroller | Programmers, Universal | Trainer Kits, Analog Communication | Trainer Kits, Antenna | Trainer Kits, Digital Communication | Trainer Kits, Electronic Control System | Trainer Kits, LAN/WAN | Trainers, Microcontroller | Trainers, Microprocessor | Trainers, PC Interfacing | Trainers, Power Electronic | Trainers, Programmable Logic (PLC) | Power Supplies, Microprocessor | Power Supplies, Switched Mode (SMPS) | Programmers for ARM LPC Series | Programmers for AVR Series | Programmers for PIC16F Series | Trainer Kits, Laser Optic | Trainer Kits, Microwave | Trainer Kits, Power Electronic | Trainer Kits, Telephone/EPABX | Trainer Kits, VLSI Design (FPGA/CPLD) | Trainers, Digital IC | Trainers, Educational | Trainers, Fibre Optic | Trainers, Linear IC | Breadboards, Power Project | Bridges, Inductance | Bridges, Kelvin | Bridges, Resistance | Bridges, Wheatstone | Microcontroller Development Boards | Programmers for PIC18F Series | Programmers for 27 Series | Programmers for Atmel MCUs 89 Series | Programmers, Computer BIOS | Programmers, Digital
Profile: Manufacturer (OEM, Manufacturer, EMS, etc)
Address: 16, Palaniappa Nagar, First Street, Sowripalayam, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu 641028
Deals in: | Trainers & Designers, Transistor | Bridges, Inductance | Bridges, Kelvin | Bridges, Capacitance | Bridges, Wheatstone | Trainers, Educational | Trainers, Power Electronic | Breadboards for Electronic Circuits | Transistor-Characteristic Units | Bridges, Resistance | Instrumentation & Training Systems | Power Supplies, DC Regulated | Power Supplies, Multiple Output | Power Supplies, Dual Tracking | Breadboards, Power Project | Trainers, Linear IC | Trainers, Digital IC | Trainer Kits, Power Electronic | Power Supplies, Dual Channel | Trainer Kits, Analog Communication | Trainer Kits, Digital Communication | Power Supplies, Variable Output | Power Supplies, Transistorised | Power Supplies, Fixed Output
Address: No.8-A, Old Agraharam, Tennur, Trichy, Tamil Nadu 620017
Deals in: | Trainers, Power Electronic | Trainers & Designers, Transistor | IC Testers, Digital | Trainers, Educational | IC Testers, Linear | Transistors Testers & Checkers | Power Supplies, High Voltage | Power Supplies, Transistorised | Transistor-Characteristic Units | Educational Analogue Computers | Power Supplies, Multiple Output | Power Supplies, Variable Output | Power Supplies, Dual Tracking | Power Supplies, DC Regulated | Battery Eliminators/Power Packs | Trainers, Digital IC | Trainers, Linear IC